Intergenerational music projects


- Monthly INDOOR men's group meetings
every 1st Thursday at Carterton Community Courthouse, Holloway St, 7-9 PM
- Monthly OVERNIGHT forest gatherings
every 3rd Saturday at Tararua Forest Park by the campfire on the riverbank, 4pm-11.30am
register at mensgroup.wairarapa@gmail.com!
The intention for these meetings is to remind ourselves of who we are, to help and support each other to connect with our natural strength and to share our journeys in the company of other men who are on their own journeys. We can share stories that we all relate to and learn from experiences and perspectives that are different from our own as we meet with men from different backgrounds and ages with different beliefs and life experiences.
Our meetings are not just about sharing. We also work on various projects, connect with the wilderness, have fun, use archetypal work for deeper contact with our own life visions and missions, maybe defining or redefining our understanding of the importance of initiations and personal rituals as well as rituals in our wider society.
We are an open "tribe" facing a common challenge: to be TRUTHFUL.
This is not therapy or a retreat, it is non-profit activity, no entry fee, only optional koha.
Our group is always different, so don't expect a lined-up program. We come together to co-create, support and learn to accept ourselves as we are, as well as accepting others.
It is very possible that we will occasionally make Whare Purē - natural sauna - building a simple round cottage out of branches and blankets, inside which we will close ourselves accompanied by glowing stones carried from the campfire.